Youth, Teens & Family
You're never too young to apply for a library card!
Signing up for a free library card is a great way to help your child feel a part of their community!
You'll be able to check out 25 books, audiobooks, movies or magazines, and have access to ebooks and eaudio books on cloudLibrary. There are many great educational databases such as Rocket Languages, Kids Infobits, and In Context Gale databases that are great resources for research projects.
Meet the Artist: Storytime with Katalin Olah Ehling
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Katalin Olah Ehling is a prolific batik artist and the illustrator of The Night The Grandfathers Danced, and is currently the featured artist in the Desert Foothills Gallery at the library. In this livestreamed video, she shares with us the inside workings of illustrating a children’s book, reads the award-winning book The Night the Grandfathers Danced, and shows us the tools used in creating the batik art that was used in the book.
Learners & Makers
The more we learn about how we learn, we see the importance of hands-on learning experiences. This “at home” series for children ages 0 – 5 teaches STEAM concepts in a way that works for young children. Each month will feature a new topic. Please come back next month to discover more!
This program series is made possible by an Arizona State Library STEAM mini-grant.
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Learners & Makers I: All about Dinosaurs
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Learners & Makers II: All About Space

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